Wednesday, August 4, 2010

4th of July pictures!

Ok.. so i kinda forgot about it!

Sooo I know I promised to keep this thing updated so everyone knows how everything is going.. and so much for that!  Haha.. sometimes it's hard to even remember to brush my teeth these days!  Raygan is on the move.. constantly!!  Crawling and attempting to walk around everywhere! Her new favorite thing is:  dropping/throwing everything on the floor while in her highchair/cart/stroller and looking over the edge at it and say "UH OH!"  hahaha As of her last appt. (9 mo)  she had grown 2 more inches.. but only gained 15 oz.  The Pediatrician wasn't concerned because she's so active.. so he said she's gonna be tall and skinny for a little bit.  Which is cool.. but buying clothes is hard when she's a size 9 mo. in width and 12 mo. in length!  hahaha

Well we moved into our new house! (yayy)  And it's been great!  For the price we're paying per month.. it's amazing!  We're out in the middle of the country, so it's quiet and pretty!  I've decided that I want to redecorate the kitchen and living room.. well I guess a little bit in all the rooms! haha  So I'm having my first yard sale ever this saturday to get some money together for some shopping :)  Hopefully we have a good turn out!

Well Robert has started a new softball season and is on a much better team than the last!  Haha it's been so hot out that Raygan and I haven't gone to the games.. but supposedly they're good this time.  
Nothing much is new with me.. haha just keeping busy with Raygan and Robert! :-P  it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it!

Until next time, (if i dont forget again lol)

some pics from our trip to nc....

Friday, June 11, 2010

sitting, waiting, wishing..

it's 10 am.. and i'm waiting for raygan to take her first nap of the day!  she's so silly and fights her naps like crazy these days!  so i just kinda sit here and wait for her to lay her head on the floor hahah.. we have a get together today with the girls from my group at 12.  If you dont know about my group.. it's just a small womens, moms, wives group here in Albany.  I started it maybe a little over a month ago now!  It's just sooo hard to meet people here, because there's NOTHING to do!  haha so i first started the group online and posted a couple flyers around town.. it's still not very big (we have about 10 members total) buuuuuut it's a start!  Today we're going to an indoor playground made out of completely foam!  I'm pretty excited about it.. it'd be better if ray could play too but it'll still be good to get out of the house.  

Glad the weekend's here!  Even though i dont really have weekends.. it's nice to have robert here to watch the baby while i shower and stuff!  haha shaving my legs is a luxury these days! (even though i didn't really worry with them before she was born either hahah)  We have NO plans for the whole weekend.. it's crazy!  We've been watching the past seasons of LOST every day/night/chance we get.. and now we've made it all the way through season 5 and the last season isn't on dvd yet.. so we're kinda "lost" without it now!  LOL  it's been soooo hot here the past couple weeks.. we've reached 100+ a few times now!  So obviously, it's not very enjoyable outdoors right now.  

Well she's finally falling asleep!!  So that means i gotta go get ready before she wakes back up!! I'll post a couple pics.. one is of the sky the other night.. it looked so awesome!!  Hope yall have a great day!

Love yall

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

and it begins...

Hey everyone!  It's so hard to keep everyone updated with Robert, Raygan and I these days.. so I figured a blog would be appropriate.  That way if you'd like to see what we've been up to lately.. or would like to see the most recent "Raygan photo shoot" you can just look on here any time!  
Well.. the latest happenings here in Albany-  we've had company the past couple weekends and it was awesome!!  Two weekends ago, my mom came down for a couple of days.  We had some good ol' mother daughter time.  Then the weekend after that we had our friends Jason B and his wife Lindsey come down for 2 nights.  We met them in Jacksonville, through the Marine Corps.  Robert and Jason deployed to Iraq together and have been best buds ever since!!  
Then the next day we had Jason L and his wife Maria and son Mason and their 2 dogs Phoebe and Puppy come down!  I met Maria through the salon back home.  We worked together and were and still are bestest frieeends!  haha So needless to say we had a FULL house for one night but we all had a blast!  Late night pizza, playing Xbox and swinging on the front porch in the dark made me feel young again!!  haha  

As for me, I've been good!  The devil tried to steal my joy, by scaring me with the possibility of cervical cancer about 2 weeks ago.  After them doing a biopsy and some other testing.. My family and I prayed and confessed my healing.  I know that I am supposed to be healthy and whole, so I didn't even think for a second that anything could be wrong.  Thankfully last week they called me with my results, saying there was NO cancer to be found!  Thank you Jesus!

Robert has been doing well.  Working everyday.. but he has awesome hours!  He goes in at 6:30 and gets off at 3pm.. so we still have half a day together.  It's really nice.  It leaves us enough time to go to the pool when he gets off if we want to!  He's been playing his softball games tuesdays and thursdays.. they've yet to win a game. (hahahaha)  But they play for fun.. so it's all good.  

As for little miss Raygan,  she's getting BIG!  I dont have any updates on her height and weight since her 6 mo. appt.  Which I think then she was 17 lbs. and 27 in.  She has her 9 mo. appt the second week of July.. so I'll update yall with that then!  She's crawling around all over the place!  She's got half of one tooth and maybe a quarter of another! haha sooo that's like 3/4 teeth so far!  Now that she's crawling she's on to bigger and better things.. like pulling up and standing up with everything,  aaaand she doesn't want to be held anymore :-(  She just goes and goes and goes!  The time is flying.. that's for sure!

Well for right now.. I'm planning on coming home to visit the week of July 11th.  I'll let everyone know for sure.  Can't wait!!  Wheelp.. gotta go get ready for today's softball game.  Who knows.. maybe today will be the day they win one!!  hahaha or not!  Hope yall have a great day.. 

love yall,

PS> here are some recent pics of Raygan in her swing and stuff!